Plan Change 43 & 44 - Transport and Works and Network Utilities

Plan Changes 43 and 44 reviewed the sections of the District Plan relating to Transport and Works and Network Utilities (sections 8 and 9).

These sections include provisions on the issues of vehicle entranceways, car parking, noise effects of railways and state highways, transmission lines and telecommunication towers, and where renewable energy generation can occur.

The plan changes also include some updates to the standards in the Development Manual. 



Notified Plan Change


Original submissions closed at 5pm on Wednesday, 27 November 2013, further submissions closed at 5pm on Wednesday 26 February 2014.

Hearing documents

Decision documents

Notice of Appeal

Outcome of appeal: This appeal was resolved through informal mediation.

Operative date

This plan change became operative on 21 October 2015. 
Public notice (pdf, 104kb)