3.9 Development Contributions

3.9.1 Significant Resource Management Issues

  • The economic burden of funding works and infrastructure is significant to sectors of the community. There are likely to be significant costs in the next ten years associated with new facilities and extensions prompted by household growth, particularly in Morrinsville. Such costs will be borne by the implementation of fair development contributions that take into account equity between new development and the existing resident population. See Section 7, Development Contributions.

  • The avoidance, remediation or mitigation of adverse environmental effects from activities may also warrant the implementation of a contribution as outlined in Section 7 of this plan.

3.9.2 Development Contributions

Outcome Sought
Refer to the following sets of controls and reasons for chosen methods
Explanations and Reasons
for Objectives and Policies
O1 To ensure that adequate water supply, roading, sewage reticulation and treatment, stormwater services and public reserves are available to support the needs of people in the District and to avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects on the environment. P1 To avoid, remedy or mitigate the adverse effects of new development on the infrastructure services (including reserves) and on the environment generally through the implementation of fair and equitable development contributions. Council gains the opportunity of placing the economic cost of facilities more equitably with those who are to benefit rather than having the general community finance the projects through rates.

The new approach will allow contributions to be drawn from both rural and urban development. This applies particularly to reserves contributions that have not traditionally been taken in rural locations despite the fact that rural residents are equally interested in recreational pursuits.

If there are existing facilities with surplus capacity that new development requires, then a buy-in fee can be charged and that will assist Council’s finances.
Contributions will assist in mitigating the effects of development.

A contributions system will require monitoring of demand and supply of services and may assist in improving the efficiency of Council facilities.
O2 To manage the acquisition and development of reserves in a manner which best serves the dual objectives of environmental enhancement and the provision of adequate land for recreational use. P2 To implement a fair and equitable reserves contribution levy which recognises the additional demand for recreational facilities and open space that new development will generate.
  1. More equitable funding of Council services
  2. Reduction of public funding of infrastructure servicing private development.


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