7.2 Development Contributions as a Condition of Resource Consents

  1. The circumstances in which a contribution may be required as a condition of a resource consent are:

    1. At the time of subdivision where additional lots for which separate certificates of title are intended to be issued and the titles will qualify for the construction of a building.
    2. Prior to the issue of a building consent for the second or subsequent complying dwelling per lot where a contribution has not been made at the time of the subdivision to create the said lot.
    3. Prior to the issue of a building consent for industrial and commercial buildings that have been granted resource consent(s) where the development would have an impact on the provision of roading and engineering services. Such contributions will not include that for reserves unless it is for the purposes of avoiding, remedying or mitigating adverse effects. Contributions to roading and engineering services will be sought to avoid, remedy or mitigate the impact of the development.
    4. To avoid, remedy or mitigate any adverse effects on the natural and physical resources and the amenities of the locality including where the activity will have an advese effect on roads or other infrastructure. In assessing the extent of any adverse traffic effect on roads or infrastructure, Council may take into account an impact assessment undertaken by an independent consultant.
    5. To enable on-site parking to be provided at another location in the vicinity.

    In the case of (c) and (d) above, where relevant the following costs (or proportionate costs) may be charged :
    • The full actual cost of providing a new formed road to the subdivision or site.
    • The costs, or proportionate costs, of upgrading roads and access to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects of the subdivision, development or building in terms of the respective roads existing design life taking no account of improvements to standards. If improvements include resolution of existing problems, then the costs will be apportioned to reflect this. Such contributions shall have a direct nexus between the environmental effect and the development contribution levied.
    • The full actual cost of crossings between allotments, sites or buildings and a public road.
    • In the circumstances of significant impact on roads, the cost of improving the geometrics of a road to maintain its safety and efficiency.
  2. The payment of a contribution shall not be required for:

    1. The first dwelling on a site;
    2. Additions or alterations to dwellings;
    3. A dwelling replacing one previously on the site;
    4. An approved boundary adjustment;
    5. An approved subdivision creating a certificate of title solely for a ‘network utility’;
    6. On building consents for industrial and commercial buildings (ie, non-residential) where there is no impact on the roading or engineering services infrastructure;
    7. Where a contribution was made in respect of a residential development of two or more dwellings on one allotment (without subdivision) and the allotment is subsequently subdivided to create separate allotments for those dwellings, no further contribution is payable for these allotments;
    8. Where land is set aside and protected in perpetuity for heritage reasons.
  3. The amount of contribution shall be the sum of:

    1. Reserves in accordance with Schedule 6.

      Council shall require land to the same value as a contribution as determined in Section 7.2 (ii) where such land is in private ownership and is identified on the planning maps as proposed reserve or where land is contiguous with an existing reserve and there is good reason to increase the size of the reserve.
    2. Engineering Services

      The cost of works identified in the township locality in which the development is located shall be assessed in accordance with Schedule 6.
    3. Earthworks

      The full actual cost of earthworks necessary including all subsoil drainage, silt and run-off control, surface drainage and related works on-site to ensure there are no adverse effects off-site.
    4. Carparking

      The full actual cost in cash of the provision of land, the formation and marking out of spaces and where necessary the landscaping and screening of parking areas.

    For the avoidance of doubt any non-residential development shall not pay a contribution to reserves but may contribute to the reserves account to avoid, remedy or mitigate adverse effects.
  4. The contributions set out in Schedule 6 are base rates related to construction costs as at August 1995. The values shall be reviewed annually at 1 July to take into account cost increases as specified in the Cost Construction Index. The reviewed rates shall be published annually in the Annual Plan.

Objectives/Policies O1, O2 P1, P2