Lipsey Track

The Lipsey Track starts above the Water Treatment Plant at the end of Miro Street.

The start of the track is fairly steep with several steps to climb.  After a while the track starts to level out and follows the contour over the top of a waterfall.  After the waterfall the track enters native forest again and joins up with the Horseman’s Track.
At the junction with the Horseman’s Track, walkers have the choice of turning downhill and walking to Te Aroha Domain or the more adventurous may want to turn uphill, taking an alternative route to join the Te Aroha Mountain Track above Bald Spur & Whakapipi Lookout.

The Lipsey Track is maintained by the Te Aroha & District Tramping Club.


easy tramping track

Easy tramping track

Time Approx 30 minutes to the junction with the Horseman’s Track.
Distance Approx 560m
Track Rating Moderate fitness levels and abilities. Sections may be steep, rough, rocky, wet or muddy.

Parking along Miro Street.

Parking, picnicking, playground and toilets available at the Te Aroha Domain.

Special Attractions Spectacular views of Te Aroha and surrounding countryside. Tutumangao Waterfall.