Part 1 – General Information


1.2    MPDC Infrastructure Code of Practice

The Development Manual is supplemented by MPDC’s Infrastructure Code of Practice. The relationship between the two documents can be described as follows:

  • The purpose of the development Manual is to guide engineering design, whereas:
  • The MPDC Infrastructure Code of Practice sets out the process, technical specifications and quality systems that apply to all infrastructure services within the District. It contains the standards for materials and construction that are required by MPDC and applies to all infrastructure works whether by way of direct contract to Council, or where the infrastructure assets will become part of the Council network, or will be vested in Council, following completion.

As such, the two documents are cross-referenced, and should be considered jointly.

The Development Manual is incorporated into the District Plan and is an RMA document. The Infrastructure Code of Practice, on the other hand, is adopted through the Local Government Act process and will be amended and adopted as changes are identified on an ongoing basis.