Part 6 – Water Supply

6.2    General

6.2.1    Design Life

The water supply system shall have a design life of not less than 100 years for in-ground pipeline components.


6.2.2    Level of Services

Note:  Designers should be familiar with the New Zealand Fire Service Fire Fighting Water Supplies Code of Practice (SNZ PAS 4509:2008).

The design of the reticulation shall be such that a water supply connection can be readily provided to the “front” of each allotment (i.e. where the driveway will be installed).

The water supply reticulation shall comply with the New Zealand Fire Service Fire Fighting Water Supplies 2008 requirements (see also Section 6.4.4).

For fire fighting, the minimum residual running water pressure shall be 100 kPa (1 atmosphere, 10 m head of water) at any hydrant.

The Council reticulated working residual water pressure in other than fire fighting conditions shall in all areas be no less than 150 kPa (1.5 atmospheres, 15 m head of water) at ground level at the building site in each lot in urban areas, and at the point of connection in rural and rural residential areas.

Note:  Designers may be limited by the water pressure available and Council will consider the implications of any such limitations in assessing the engineering plans with the possible outcome that special water supply conditions may apply to the affected properties.

Where a proposed development is currently outside an Urban Fire District, Council will require that all water mains that will be vested with Council shall have hydrants affixed in accordance with the New Zealand Fire Service Code of Practice for Fire Fighting Water Supplies 2008 as applying within Urban Fire Districts. See also section 6.4.4.

New dwellings not served by a public supply shall install adequate water storage to meet the New Zealand Fire Service Fire Fighting Water Supplies Code of Practice requirements. 

Individual rainwater tanks, individual privately owned bores, wells or restricted supply may adequately serve isolated small subdivisions in rural settings. 

Note that rural trickle feed water supply schemes are not required to provide fire fighting capacity.

To protect the level of service of new subdivisions, no more than 100 lots are to be serviced, at any point in time, from a single ended water main. Connectivity of the water network is to be established prior to further lots being brought forward for 224(c) release.