Morrinsville Rec - Survey Results

The survey is now closed, but check out all the ideas and feedback we received from our public survey – thank you to everyone who took part.

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What would you like to see at the recreation ground that isn’t here/happening already?

If you could change anything about the Morrinsville Recreation Ground what would it be?

Do you have a vision for the the Morrinsville Recreation Ground?

Do you have any other information or feedback that you would like to share with us?


Could keep the pools open for public on shoulder season (until April, then starting again October).

Keep the pools open for public on shoulder season (until April, then starting again October).

The pools for winter

Need an indoor pool

Indoor pool

More up dates to play ground, make the pools more affordable for more to use. All year round swimming.

More play ground, all year swimming.

Put more effort into organising the AMP show, do it Friday and Saturday

Upkeep of the grounds and walking track so they are safe and rubbish free.
Year-round swimming facility for elderly, rehab, fitness, baby-toddler swimming lessons. Warm water, reasonable prices for entry as these groups are not wealthy.

The pool. I find when I take my grandchildren to swim after school other groups are using it so there is no free area or maybe one lane for recreational swimming. Little time in the timetable for rehab, elderly fitness etc.

I think it needs to retain the wide green space and the trees. There needs to be a programme of renewal of large shade trees. There are few spaces to run and walk and cycle safely in Morrinsville especially if you are an elderly woman. The streets have poor control of wandering dogs. Dogs at the rec generally have an owner with them. The walking track needs to be well maintained, not just having a volunteer group to look after it. Use by people needs to take into account of all age groups.

In an attempt to upgrade we may lose the things that make it special and a facility that can be used in many ways by different age groups. Except for the swimming, I don't think it needs much to change. It needs to be kept as a safe place for all to enjoy.

An all year round, indoor heated pool.

Put permanent outdoor exercise equipment for the public to use.

A rotunda with seating that could be used all year round and in all weathers.

I am a new member of the Morrinsville community and am very impressed by the cleanness and tidiness of your town.

Indoor and outdoor swimming facility
Large playground with bike/scooter track

Indoor pool

More inclusive - appeal to wider community - e.g. current pools are not suitable year round and could be of huge benefit to older and younger generations:

Better use can be made of the area surrounding the pool - e.g. larger playground, bike/scooter track, basketball hoops etc.

A gym could be added which could be used by a number of sporting groups.

After having lived in a small community with an indoor swimming pool I just cannot fathom why and how the long term vision for our town would be anything else. The 50m Olympic pool I know and understand is something parts of the community want to hold on to, but it limits the use and users of the facility. There is not a huge amount of shade. It is under-utilised because people in the community have not formed a habit of going there and I am certain that would change dramatically if it were and indoor facility. Towns will benefit from growth if they have amazing facilities and our town has the potential to have something other Waikato towns just don’t have. In Cromwell the community raised 1 million dollars to assist with the redevelopment of their pool complex and I am sure our community would pull together to raise funds for something like this. It would benefit everyone in the town as opposed to a smaller group of people.

Food trucks on one weekend afternoon each week or fortnight, could be a family afternoon out.
Camp ground to re-open so that campers can stay in the park instead of the car park.

New walking trail on the newly acquired land to link up with the existing walking trail


-Swimming all year round.
- Coffee cart on weekends.

- More play areas for kids.

- Cafe like the Hamilton Gardens or One Tree Hill in Auckland. Promoting the great river walk and making it an activity families could do in the weekend.

Significant council support for the river walk.
Year round swimming.

Greater council support for river walk and cleaning up the river itself. It is regrettable that my daughter can point out the location of each dumped pram or trolley in the river.

Significant council support for the river walk.
Year round swimming.

Greater council support for river walk and cleaning up the river itself. It is regrettable that my daughter can point out the location of each dumped pram or trolley in the river.

The playground area needs upgrading with new playground equipment that reflects the community and Iwi connections that we live in ride on cows , tuna as a slide, maunga climbing frame, tractors.

Cultural story boards along the walkway about the area. Information about the native trees particularly since they seed i.e totara
Exercise stations, Community vege garden raised boxs

see answer above

A more inclusive area that celebrates all of the community

Good signage re: rules about dogs on a leash outside of the dog exercise area, especially on the bush tracks near the river walk.
A decent playground for young families near the swimming pool area, not hidden at the back.
Bollards lining the road with the big trees to keep cars off and the adjacent grass area needs some work.

If you are going to have a dog exercise area, where dogs are running freely off leash, then make sure that the fence that contains them is adequate to do just that, to keep other recreation users safe. On several occasions I have gone to do a workout on the adjacent soccer fields only to see several dogs slip through the fence from the dog exercise area to the adjacent soccer fields, and also through to the adjacent top walking track above the river. The fencing does not keep the dogs in the exercise area, and this is a potential risk to other users. Also, on the south corner of the dog exercise area adjacent to The Avenue South, there is part of the fence that has been removed, leaving a big gap for any dog loose to get out and this poses a potential threat to other rec users.
The river walk track should be either no dogs or dogs on a leash and dangerous breed dogs muzzled. I have been running and competing now for 50 years in many different countries and represented NZ at the Commonwealth Games and I have only been bitten by a dog twice. Both times were in NZ and the latest was on the river walk at the rec grounds here in Morrinsville last year, resulting in a trip to the doctor for a tetanus shot and antibiotics. But it's the emotional damage and now fear of dogs that remains and I would not want anyone else to go through this, especially a child, as I see families with very young children walking there or with young children on tricycles. If you keep allowing dogs loose on these tracks someone's child will be seriously injured at some stage, or someone else bitten. I have had other incidents where dog owners think it's ok for their dog to jump up on me, not once but several times and they do nothing to control their dog. There needs to be BIG SIGNS up at both entrances to these walking tracks clearly stating what the rules in relation to dogs are and the consequences if they don't obey them. i.e a whopping big fine and of course someone to enforce it.
This is a beautiful park that where all users should be able to feel safe and dogs should be kept under control at all times.
P.S. Holmwood Park has issues too, where you have a dog exercise area that is not contained and a walking/jogging path next to each other. It is instinct for a dog to chase something/someone that is moving, so runners and dogs are not a good combination.

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