Morrinsville Rec - Survey Results

The survey is now closed, but check out all the ideas and feedback we received from our public survey – thank you to everyone who took part.

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What would you like to see at the recreation ground that isn’t here/happening already?

If you could change anything about the Morrinsville Recreation Ground what would it be?

Do you have a vision for the the Morrinsville Recreation Ground?

Do you have any other information or feedback that you would like to share with us?


All year round swimming facilities. An area dedicated to fun water play, waterslides, water spouts - eg the inflatables not in the
large pool while people are wanting to lane swim. Ability to provide other water sports eg water polo, lifesaver training, excerise classes, outdoor movie screen or music while you swim.
A mini putt course, paintball, basketball and netball courts, a scooter and skate park and roller skate area.
Lots of colour included in the design

All year round swimming, enclosed pool facility - we currently have to travel to Matamata during the winter months.

A multisport and recreation facility. A place with something to offer all ages and abilities and offers kids a safe place to hangout with friends.


It is a great open area for events and should stay the same

An outdoor velodrome cycling park. Outdoor amphitheater facing the number one field. Much more parking. Many more events. An events hub with a cafe and indoor space for events and group meetings. Good night lighting and security cameras that are monitored. A well-fenced area where dogs can be safely exercised without fear of stray dogs.

As stated above! Make the place a safe place to be. There is no point in investing time money and resources into a place that people will not visit.

I would be interested in being involved in any initiative and planning.

Not at the moment.

More organised community events, Christmas family party, etc.

Perhaps a few wooden benches dotted around the polo ground area for people to sit on & more gates/access points. Better road safety measures to deter some drivers speeding down the road that runs alongside the railway paddock which is often a shared space with bikes, runners, walkers of all ages and dogs. Some paved paths for wheelchair users would increase accessibility.

I actually like that it is a simple, large area that the community can use for many activities, most of which cost nothing. It is one of the few safe off lead dog exercise areas in the district. I hope that the space will continue to be accessible to all that want to use it.

Communities need open green spaces, this has never been more evident than in the past 18 months when people have been confined to staying local. Whatever is decided, the needs of the majority of the community should be paramount. Agendas by small specialist interest groups who would like a permanent space for their members should look to do so on privately owned land, not land owned by rate payers.

Convert it to a proper park. It needs a major cleanup. The road through the park is currently in such a mess that it is difficult and dangerous because of the mess on the roadside Walkers and cyclists can't get off to avoid passing cars.
The dogs off leash area is not safe. The fences are all falling down. Some years ago the then mayor and council promised me a post and rail fence between the cricket and polo fields with two pedestrian gates so people could walk across the fields. Instead

CONT: a post and batten fence was put up meaning the ground still looks like a farm paddock. The dogs area is not secure. It needs a big improvement.
My suggestion is; Do it in 2 stages.
1. A big cleanup - Relay the road with proper drains and a footpath . Have off road parking. More rubbish bins for picnickers etc etc
2. plan to utilise the ground for the future. Find other sports etc to use the ground

I think I have put more voluntary hours of work into the Recreation ground than any other person in its history. To say that I am disappointed in its current state would be an understatement. I love the "Rec" I'm there every day. I was responsible for the towns largest ever sporting events with ist class and international cricket. I was responsible for achieving the highest pitch marks in New Zealand for 3 years running. I have only recently handed the ground over to an excellent group of young cricketers who are doing a great job. Its time the Council got behind them and others to raise the standards and make it the ground it should be

A children's play ground. An up grade and completion of the swimming complex. The demolition and rebuilding of the Tennis Pavilion.

See last Question

That it become part of The Morrinsville CBD and has a safe crossing across the railway line to access the grounds

Recreation Grounds Comment

Challenges and Barriers.

1/ The big barrier to the increasing use of the grounds is disconnection from the town, both physically and mentally.
2/ The limited usage by everyday people because there are no universal building facilities. Except for the swimming pool, the regular big weekly events have been stripped from the grounds There is no reason to visit on a regular basis.
3/ The criminal activity in the area has reduced with improvements to the riverwalk and the introduction of a new skate park next to the library, but it is still there.
4/ The seven-wire “farmers” fence that divides the grounds into two.

Suggestions to improve the situation
Connect the town to the Recreation Grounds by building a multi-access way tunnel to include car, pedestrian, cycle, mobility scooter, under the rail tracks. This would connect to the parcel of land between the railway and the existing Recreation grounds to the recently cleaned up gully alongside the bypass. It would also give safe and quick access to the Rec. The rail crossing in Lorne street stops access every time a train uses the line.
There has been a marked improvement of numbers of people using the river walk after its upgrade. This could be improved still further with continual improvement and upgrading of the track. When the track was first developed in 1940 as the Centennial walkway, it was proposed to have an arch at the Studholme Street entrance. This should be again entertained as it would symbolise another connection to the town.
Set up a destination playground in the Recreation Grounds on the cow theme by
rebuilding the playground on the old playground site and use the land next to the railway line to Lorne Street as a car park.
Provide a set of club-rooms for community organisations can use. Tie this into the car park. This can be done over several years as demand grows.
Demolish the tennis club-rooms and rebuild on the same site. The Rugby and Netball attracts large numbers of players and spectators to Campbell Park. Sports clubs tend to wax and wane in popularity and numbers of supporters.
A long term approach must be taken. Clubs as an example Model Railway, Chess, Jujitsu, Boardgames may not have the numbers to provide facilities but would be happy to share facilities.Care must be taken to keep rental affordable. Distinguish between local users and out of town users. It was rumoured that a circus did not use the grounds because it was too expensive.
By attracting more people to the Grounds there will be a reduction in crime. The criminal behavior will be much easier to observe if there are a lot of law-abiding citizens in the vicinity.
Attracting more people should be a major priority in the new plan. Walking, Running, Cycling is on the increase and needs to be catered for in the grounds.
The fence that divides to grounds should be demolished It is a hangover from the Polo days and serves no purpose. When they used sheep to keep the grass down there was a reason for the fence, but with the mowing of the grass, it is not needed and should be removed. Polo is no longer played on the grounds and the use of sheep as lawn mower is unlikely. The big shows like the A&P are a real asset. The trees are a show piece and should be well maintained with a replanting programme.

Perhaps Kereone Rugby cub could base their club at the grounds. (I know Leamington Rugby were once at Memorial Park, Cambridge sharing the grounds with Hautapu, Since then the club has taken off. I can see the same with Kereone)
A high profile Polo matches on the amazing polo grounds perhaps a test match or large corporate match (get local or regional sponsor to back this)
A BMX Club or track could be handy
Base a local Athletics club at the grounds
Build a Softball/Baseball Dimond new club

Look to build more facilities and start more clubs on ground
Perhaps more community open days or conversations about this fine asset
More profile
An AstroTurf built for hockey and greater general use in the winter

Have it used more by the people, More clubs and facilities on grounds
More high profile events IE polo match, Cricket match, bid for balloons over Waikato or other high profile events (Better than at Waikato Uni)

An amazing community asset
Would be great to see it used a bit more, although love how its so peaceful

Clean up the litter, get rid of the wandering jew, put some bins around for disposal of dog poo, create an off-leash dog area

It is pretty bland and blah

More varied walking tracks with an off leash dog area.

Considering how much we pay in rates it is pretty poor that the only off-leash dog area is a small park right next to a highway

I am more than happy with the rec grounds as they are. They provide a space for families to play in, for picnics and dog walking.

There are not any other large areas for dogs to be able to go off lead so any changes made to the rec grounds should consider the ability to still be able to dog walk and provide that space.

Nothing it’s fine how it is

As I visit the rec on my own I feel unsafe going around the river walk and I don't take my dog to the rec grounds anymore more as there are dogs I don't trust roaming free.

Make swimming facilities cheaper for use and have the facility open all year

As a motorhome owner who travels a lot around nz the rev would be an ideal stopover location. Ther are hundreds of places around nz that are similar to the rec were we have stayed. Never a problem. Morrinsville used to be known as a great place to stay before the motorhome section was closed. Really feel strongly about reopening it.

Contact the NZMCA for assistance. In some cases they will help set it up.

Some agility setup for dogs would be nice otherwise the entrance in comparison to parking/the bin doesn’t make sense

More activities for dogs and make a entrance for dogs that can’t jump closer to the bin/parks. And often times it’s hard to know if your gonna drive there for it t be occupies

If Morrinsville could have more dog friendly fenced in areas it would be great.

A safe fully fenced area that dogs can be off leash in to run about and play.

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