Matamata inner green route on its way

We’re linking the parks and reserves closest to the town centre, to create an ‘inner green’ walk and bike route for the community. This is a project from our Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 2021-51, which sets a vision for our network of parks and reserves for the next 30 years. Thanks to Waka Kotahi Transport Choices funding, we’re pleased to be able to complete this route for the community sooner than anticipated. A full list of upcoming works is available here and maps of the routes below.

Included in the strategy is a long term plan for walking and cycling connections across the district, to provide more recreation options and make it safer and easier to move around our towns. The plan for Matamata is to link the ring of green spaces closest to the town centre to form an ‘inner green route' and link the green spaces further out of town to form an 'outer green route'. When we consulted on the strategy, we received strong community support to complete these routes and connect them to the town centre. The Transport Choices funding will help us complete the ‘inner green route’ linking Jim Gardiner Reserve, Founders Park, Tom Grant Drive and Centennial Drive to the town centre. We have also received funding to complete one part of the outer green route, linking Peria Road Reserve to Neil Algar Reserve. 

In order to create a consistent, accessible walk and bike path that is safe and easy to use, we plan to use a series of shared paths, safer accessible crossing points and other improvements. Construction is expected to start later this year and be completed by July 2024.

The Matamata inner green route is one of seven transport projects across the district to receive funding from Waka Kotahi's Transport Choices programme. We are holding an information session about this project and all our Transport Choices projects on Thursday 21 September at the Matamata-Piako Civic and Memorial Centre, 11 Tainui Street. Pop by anytime between 12pm-2pm and 4pm-6pm. All welcome.

You can see more about the Transport Choices programme, this project and the other funded projects over at

Matamata Inner green route map 2

Matamata outer green route map