Fees and Charges 2024/25 - have your say

Every financial year, Council reviews the Fees and Charges to make sure they are reasonable and reflect the ‘actual cost’ of the activities it provides the community.

While rates are our main source of income, we also receive revenue from fees and charges (such as pool entry fees, or building consent costs).

We’re proposing some significant increases in the following activities; Cemeteries, Community Venues, Animal Control, Building Consents and Monitoring, Licensing and Enforcement, Resource Consents and Monitoring and Swimming Pools.

This is a conscious decision about ‘how we cut the pie’. Our costs have gone up significantly and we have to cover those costs – we can either recover it ALL through rates, or recover some of it through higher fees (i.e. more user pays).

We want to hear your thoughts on this approach.

To find out more, you can find our Statement of Proposal and the Draft Fees and Charges here.

This consultation is open between 21 March 2024 and 21 April 2024.

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