Red boil water notice - Waihou Depot Water Supply

Do not consume the water from the Waihou Depot water supply – even if boiled. We have received advice that water from the Waihou bore should not be consumed, even if boiled.
This applies to all users of the Waihou Depot water supply (KVS, Fulton Hogan, three properties, the transfer station and the dog pound). Council will supply bottled water until an alternative water supply/solution is identified.
Bottled water should be used for
- Drinking
- Preparing food and beverages (particularly babies bottles)
- Personal hygiene (e.g. brushing teeth and rinsing)
- Washing dishes
Until the Waihou Depot water supply is chlorinated or another source is found good hygiene practice is required
- Avoid getting water in the mouth while showering
- Use hand soap and dry hands throughly after washing them Please continue to do this until further notice
Please continue to do this until further notice. The KVS and Fulton Hogan bore water is fine to use for truck wash-down purposes.
This is because ‘total coliforms’ have been detected in the water even after UV treatment. We believe this is due to nearby contaminant sources. Contamination can be intermittent, and our current systems for monitoring may not pick up all instances of this contamination. Without chlorination, we believe this water should not be consumed by the public.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact us on 0800 746 467.