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Questions for Council

Long Term Plan Q&A Session with Mayor Adrienne

On 3 April 2024 we held a live Q&A session with Mayor Adrienne, you can see the full recording below:

There were lots of great questions submitted during that session, and you can hear the answers by clicking on the timestamps below:

3:16 This rates increase was not predicted in the last long term plan, what's with the poor planning?

4:18 What is the financial impact to MPDC with 3 Waters legislation not going ahead

5:25 What is the projected population increase for the towns in the district? And how will this be affecting the infrastructure?

6:29 What are you doing to make sure developers of these new subdivisions are doing their part?

7:24 Are there any current services at risk in order to cut costs?

8:41 As personal households, we can only accommodate so many hikes and outgoings of revenue. In the last 2 years my wage increased 6%, but costs have increased by much more than that. We have had to cut back on things we like and things we need. Does Council need to spend all of what you are budgeting?

10:12 Is the cost of the Matamata Waste Water upgrade borne evenly across ratepayers of all the district, or is this covered more by those in the Matamata zone?

10:38 Does MPDC have investment / assets that are like to increase income in the next few years to ease cost pressure?

11:32 Is Council considering household water meters?

12:13 Has MPDC considered selling any assets to ease the burden on ratepayers?

12:50 If you do install water meters would the water portion of the rates reduce?

14:22 What about all of the leaks that we see now? Is there enough resource to fix them as they are identified?

15:14 Does the Council sell rain water tanks and emergency supply tanks? Porirua City Council has a very good scheme.

15:49 What year are you planning to install water meters?

16:04 We live in one of the smaller communities. We're tired of paying for other people's playgrounds. So in the main towns, Te Aroha, Morrinsville and Matamata. When are we going to see a playground?

16:57 What is Council doing with the Power New Zealand shares?

17:39 Can you explain what projects we are committing to and why?

18:19 How can we give feedback? When does it lose? And to you really consider the feedback?

19:28 Is there anything that us as rate payers can do to reduce the high rates rises in the coming years?

20:38 Some years ago there was talk of a bypass for Matamata? Has there been any consideration of this for the future?

21:55 Are there big costs to prepare this plan and consult everyone? Does this contribute a lot to the rate increases?

24:04 Demo of the LTP website and how you can have your say

27:24 What are the plans for the Te Aroha Spa?

28:34 How do we access the website you were just showing? And is there a link from the main website?

29:09 What's going to happen with the transfer stations, especially the Waihou one?

Further Information

To see details about the Long Term Plan, please visit

If you’d like to see what your 2024/2025 rates will be compared to 2023/2024, please click here.

If you’d like to see what projects we’re proposing to include in this budget and those we’ve had to set aside, go to

If you have any other questions, then please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..