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Proposed Classification of Reserve

Council owns an 18 square metre property at the end of Magnolia Drive, Matamata (Lot 3 DP 373002). It currently has the legal status of "Local Purpose (Segregation Strip) Reserve."

The land next to Lot 3 is being subdivided, with plans for Magnolia Drive to be extended into the new residential area - this was consulted on as part of the Plan Change 47 Structure Plan. However to do this, we need to to change the legal classification of the land to "Local Purpose (Road) Reserve" under the Reserves Act 1977. 

Because Lot 3 is legally a Reserve we need to follow the process prescribed by the Reserves Act 1977 to change the land classification.

This requires publicly notifying our intent to change the status of the reserve (which we have done) and allowing 30 days for anyone to make an objection. The objection period was open from 29 March to 28 April 2022. No objections were received. The Reserve has been classified as Local Purpose (Road) Reserve.


Project Timeline


Council publicly notifies the proposal to change the purpose of the reserve

29 March 2022



One month objection/submission period closes

29 April 2022


Council considers submissions and listens to presenters at a hearing

11 May



Council can make a resolution changing the purpose of the local purpose reserve, and must notify the change of purpose in the gazette

May 2022

Council may then dedicate the reserve land as road