Our Economy
Matamata-Piako is one of eight full and four part districts that comprise the Waikato Region. In 2018, the Matamata-Piako district had a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita of $56,965 and a mean household income of $98,200.
Learn more about our district and its economy here.
Economic Significance of Matamata-Piako to New Zealand
The proportion of the national GDP produced in the Matamata-Piako District has increased from 0.9% in 2013 to 0.98% in 2018. The percentage change in GDP from 2017 to 2018 for the District was 7.6% while the national change was 3.5%.
The five leading employers in the district in the year to March 2018 are:
- Manufacturing
- Agriculture, forestry and fishing
- Construction
- Retail Trade
- Education and Training
Source: Infometrics

With some of the best quality soils in New Zealand our district is one of New Zealand’s cornerstones of the dairy industry. There is also a strong presence of other large primary industries such as horticulture and meat processing. These all play a major role in building a strong local economy.
The graph below shows the Matamata-Piako’s five largest industries (by employee number) in 2018, the percentage of the district's workforce that they employ (dark blue) and the share of the District's total GDP that they prodcue (pale blue).
Source: Infometrics
The percentage of the district's GDP earned by Agriculture, as the leading earner, has been displayed above. This graph shows that the agricultural sector contributes a higher proportion of the total economic output of the district (24.4%) than the percentage of people that are employed in the sector (20.6%). It is thus the most productive large industry when GDP is divided by number of employees.
Ministry for Business, Innovation and Employment Regional Economic Activity Report
Infometrics - Matamata-Piako Districts Economic Profile