Matamata inner green route
Waharoa Road East shared path construction
A section of the Matamata inner green route will be going ahead, on Waharoa Road East.
From mid-February 2024 we'll be constructing a 3m wide shared path on the eastern side of the road from Broadway to the shops (The Warehouse, New World, etc.). The shared path will improve connection between the shops and the town centre, making it safer and easier for people to walk, cycle and use mobility aids. Construction is expected to take eight weeks. Driveway access will not be impacted during construction. Thank you for your patience as we make upgrades to our footpath network.
The Matamata inner green route was a NZTA Waka Kotahi Transport Choices funded project. In October 2023, NZTA Waka Kotahi paused funding until it received clear direction on the incoming government’s priorities for transport investment. The Minister of Transport has advised all local authorities that no further funding for the Transport Choices programme will be approved. For our district, this means we will no longer receive funding to carry out our CBD accessibility improvements, bus stop upgrades, Matamata inner green route and Matamata connectivity programmes, due to be constructed this year. There is some internal budget available for us to implement some of the activities under these projects but at a very reduced scope. We are pleased to report this section of the Matamata inner green route project will be going ahead.
About the Matamata inner green walk and bike route
Linking the parks and reserves closest to the town centre, to create an ‘inner green’ walk and bike route for the community, is a project from our Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 2021-51. This strategy sets a vision for our network of parks and reserves for the next 30 years.
Inner green route
Included in the strategy is a plan to improve walking and cycling connections, to provide more recreation options and make it safer and easier to move around our towns. The plan for Matamata is to link the ring of green spaces closest to the town centre to form an ‘inner green route' and link the green spaces further out of town to form an 'outer green route'. When we consulted on the strategy, we received strong community support to complete these routes and connect them to the town centre. The Transport Choices funding will help us complete the ‘inner green route’ linking Jim Gardiner Reserve, Founders Park, Tom Grant Drive and Centennial Drive to the town centre.
How we will create the route
In order to create a consistent, accessible walk and bike path that is safe and easy to use, we plan to use a series of shared paths, safer accessible crossing points and other improvements.
Transport Choices
The Matamata inner green route is one of seven transport projects across the district that was receiving funding from the Waka Kotahi Transport Choices programme. You can see more about Transport Choices, the recent funding decision and the other projects over at
Latest news
No more funding for Transport Choices projects
Pop-up pump track coming to Morrinsville Rec
Morrinsville Recreation Ground perimeter path opens Thursday 16 November
Project Timeline
Letter drop
Letter outlining the route, proposed list of works and invitation to information session sent to homes and businesses along the route early September.
Pop-in session for Matamata Transport Choices projects
21 September 2023
Work to commence
Construction is scheduled to start late 2023/early 2024
Expected date of completion
End of June 2024
Waka Kotahi NZTA funding pause
October 2023
Minister of Transport confirmed no further funding
December 2023
Council to review projects and available internal budget to prioritise what activities can still be delivered at a reduced scope.
Waharoa Road East shared path construction
Section of Matamata inner green route to go ahead. Work is expected to start Monday 12 February and take up to eight weeks.
Letters dropped to affected residents and businesses.
Additional Information
Parks and Open Spaces Strategy 2021-51 - We adopted our Open Spaces Strategy in 2021 after consultation with our communities. The Parks and Open Spaces Strategy sets a long-term vision for our parks and open spaces network. It guides decision-making about the provision, development and management of parks and open spaces, to ensure we have the right parks and open spaces, in the right locations, managed in the right way, to meet the needs of our communities.
Walking and cycling connections in Matamata. Our Parks & Open Spaces Strategy 2021-51 identified additional walking and cycling connections to make it easier to get around our towns. This will be done using a combination of 'linkage parks' (parks/reserves that provide open spaces, but also a pathway or link from one place to another) and through shared paths. You can find a more details about the planned walking and cycling connections in Matamata, Morrinsville and Te Aroha here.
Strategic Direction Summary Council has set its strategic direction to inform our priorities and work programme moving forward. The strategic direction aligns with the four community wellbeings – social, environmental, cultural and economic which are core pillars of local government’s mandate.