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Rural Development - Rural Development


The Matamata-Piako District has a finite resource of good quality rural land. The district’s economy relies on highly productive soils for horticulture and rural pasture land for grazing of dairy herds and cattle. The loss of high quality rural land to residential development could in the future compromise the ability of the district to support the extensive farming and horticultural industry on which much of the community relies.


The rural environment is important to the district for economic, cultural and social reasons, and it is important that this precious resource be managed appropriately to conserve the land for the use of future generations. Council is therefore encouraging subdivision on the poorer quality soils throughout the district. Zones of the Matamata-Piako District.



The demand for residential properties in rural settings and life style blocks can create considerable pressure on rural land, particularly land close to townships. Areas of rural land are purchased and subdivided into smaller lots for residential and lifestyle purposes.


The diversification and intensification of activities in the rural area also means that rural land is being divided into smaller and smaller lots. Land fragmentation can result in a shortage of properties of suitable size for viable farming and horticultural units in the future. In addition, the adverse effects of farming activities are becoming more recognised due to rural/residential development in rural areas.


Key Issues

  • Demand for residential properties in rural and lifestyle blocks resulting in development of smaller lots of high quality rural land.
  • Diversification and intensification of use of rural land resulting in fragmentation and creation of non-viable farming lots.