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Council Documents

Change of customer name or details

You may use this form to update your name / contact details held on Council's systems when they are incorrect or out of date.

Please note that Council has a legal requirement to use the land owner's legal name as written on a Record of Title for rating purposes and this form can not be used ahead of a legal process to change the name on the Record of Title. Please seek legal advice if you wish to change the name on your Record of Title.

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Please note, for security reasons we will not be able to display any of your current information held on file in this form. Please provide your previous name and/or contact information so we can accurately identify you or be able to make contact with you for verification. 

What is your previous information before the changes

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What is your new/updated information

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By submitting this form you acknowledge that you have read and agree to the following statement: I declare that the details I have provided here are true and correct. I have attached required evidence for the changes I have requested.

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