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Date Submitted
2021-09-07 15:26:30
Tamara Kingi

Reserve on Spur Street, Te Aroha (Yellow A - portion opposite netball club and BMX track)

We’re looking at turning part of the reserve on Spur Street into a fenced off-leash area. What do you think?

I like it but wouldn’t use it
This is a large area to manage. My only concern would be whether dog owners were cleaning up after their pets. It would be handy to have a poop bags dispenser + bin for disposal.

Spur Street Esplanade, Te Aroha (Yellow B - portion near the Waihou River under the footbridge)

We’re looking at expanding the current Spur Street Esplanade into an off-leash area which will be managed by a community group but available for everyone to use. What do you think?

I like it and would use it

Te Aroha boat ramp

We’re looking at removing the boat ramp reserve, changing it from an off-leash to an on-lead area, as it’s prone to flooding and has the Hauraki Rail Trail running through it. What do you think?

I don’t agree, leave it as an off-leash area
Do you use this area with your dogs off-leash?
How regularly do you use the area?
Regularly - this is the only area I currently take my dog off-leash