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Date Submitted
2021-09-07 20:01:26
Michael Burdon

Reserve on Spur Street, Te Aroha (Yellow A - portion opposite netball club and BMX track)

We’re looking at turning part of the reserve on Spur Street into a fenced off-leash area. What do you think?

I like it and would use it
I would highly welcome the proposed change to turn part of the reserve on Spur Street into a fenced off-leash area.

We moved into the area earlier this year and as owners of two dogs we have been surprised at the current lack of off-leash dog walk areas that are available locally.

While we live just out of Te Aroha town, we like to take our dogs for walks twice a day, especially in areas with other dogs roaming freely. Doing so ensures they can socialize with other dogs regularly and remain well adjusted, happy hounds. While on-leash areas do also allow dogs to socialize to some degree, the presence of a leash does tend to make dogs feel less at ease and more likely to have poor meetings due to nervousness.

When I consider that around 1/3 of NZ households have dogs, I feel that increasing the number and quality of off-leash dog exercise locations will serve to improve our communities in a positive way.

As far as the lay-out of the proposed location, I would encourage Council to leave the area as wild/feral as possible. Doing so makes a far more interesting place, both for people and for dogs. It would also encourage lots of other flora and fauna to move in and minimise any maintenance costs. Excessive landscaping/excessive mowing only creates an overly sterile and uninteresting area.

We are responsible dog owners and always take dog-poo bags with us on walks. However, I would encourage Council to provide dog-waste bags and bins at as many locations as cost permits, ideally entrances and exits to the off-leash area.

Spur Street Esplanade, Te Aroha (Yellow B - portion near the Waihou River under the footbridge)

We’re looking at expanding the current Spur Street Esplanade into an off-leash area which will be managed by a community group but available for everyone to use. What do you think?

I like it and would use it
I would highly welcome the proposed change to turn part of the reserve on Spur Street into a fenced off-leash area.

We moved into the area earlier this year and as owners of two dogs we have been surprised at the current lack of off-leash dog walk areas that are available locally.

While we live just out of Te Aroha town, we like to take our dogs for walks twice a day, especially in areas with other dogs roaming freely. Doing so ensures they can socialize with other dogs regularly and remain well adjusted, happy hounds. While on-leash areas do also allow dogs to socialize to some degree, the presence of a leash does tend to make dogs feel less at ease and more likely to have poor meetings due to nervousness.

When I consider that around 1/3 of NZ households have dogs, I feel that increasing the number and quality of off-leash dog exercise locations will serve to improve our communities in a positive way.

As far as the lay-out of the proposed location, I would encourage Council to leave the area as wild/feral as possible. Doing so makes a far more interesting place, both for people and for dogs. It would also encourage lots of other flora and fauna to move in and minimise any maintenance costs. Excessive landscaping/excessive mowing only creates an overly sterile and uninteresting area.

We are responsible dog owners and always take dog-poo bags with us on walks. However, I would encourage Council to provide dog-waste bags and bins at as many locations as cost permits, ideally entrances and exits to the off-leash area.

Te Aroha boat ramp

We’re looking at removing the boat ramp reserve, changing it from an off-leash to an on-lead area, as it’s prone to flooding and has the Hauraki Rail Trail running through it. What do you think?

I agree, make it an on-lead area
This are is not the 'best' location to have as an off-leash place for dogs.