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Date Submitted
2021-09-07 20:07:13
Christine Telfar

Reserve on Spur Street, Te Aroha (Yellow A - portion opposite netball club and BMX track)

We’re looking at turning part of the reserve on Spur Street into a fenced off-leash area. What do you think?

Possibly a better area compared to down by the river. Suggest area is fully fenced with a high fence because like it or not, there are dog owners out there with no control over their dogs whatsoever. If there is a high fence and the dog is off it’s leash it shouldn’t be able to cause harm to the general public. The public should feel safe in this area of built up sporting facilities.

Spur Street Esplanade, Te Aroha (Yellow B - portion near the Waihou River under the footbridge)

We’re looking at expanding the current Spur Street Esplanade into an off-leash area which will be managed by a community group but available for everyone to use. What do you think?

Under the foot bridge is also prone to flooding. Area has been a dog zone for some time however dog owners do not use it because they have no control over their dogs and are frightened that they may go into the river. Is the grass area going to be mowed frequently. Surely this is an extra cost to ratepayers! Does not make sense.

Te Aroha boat ramp

We’re looking at removing the boat ramp reserve, changing it from an off-leash to an on-lead area, as it’s prone to flooding and has the Hauraki Rail Trail running through it. What do you think?

I don’t agree, leave it as an off-leash area
Do you use this area with your dogs off-leash?
Many people use this area to take their dogs for a swim. Very easy access. We see lots of dog owners using this area. They are usually dog owners who have control of their dogs. Why should these responsible dog owners be penalised by the irresponsible dog owners who shouldn’t own a pet.

On another matter, I would like to point out that the Te Aroha Cemetery is used as a dog exercise area. Dogs are not on their leash and its common to see dog owners who have no control over their dogs using this area who are not concerned about picking up dog shit. Screaming at their dogs who totally ignore them. It’s very concerning, this is a cemetery where young and old should feel safe. A quiet place to reflect and remember, not listen to yelling dog owners!

Perhaps the bare land beside the go cart track would be a more suitable area. Access is easy and the land flat. Parking access behind council, easy walking etc. perhaps reserve at south end of Rewi Street by Geo Metrics. Possibly a much safer place from the general public movements and still very close for town people.