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Date Submitted
2021-09-29 11:38:15
Sarah Matafeo-Ross

Reserve on Spur Street, Te Aroha (Yellow A - portion opposite netball club and BMX track)

We’re looking at turning part of the reserve on Spur Street into a fenced off-leash area. What do you think?

I like it and would use it
Great idea. It is long enough for dogs to play fetch and have a good run around.

Spur Street Esplanade, Te Aroha (Yellow B - portion near the Waihou River under the footbridge)

We’re looking at expanding the current Spur Street Esplanade into an off-leash area which will be managed by a community group but available for everyone to use. What do you think?

I like it and would use it
This is a great idea. Also the fact that it will be fenced will give dog owners the peace of mind that people who are not dog people will have no problem with them running around off-leash. What a great proposal.

Te Aroha boat ramp

We’re looking at removing the boat ramp reserve, changing it from an off-leash to an on-lead area, as it’s prone to flooding and has the Hauraki Rail Trail running through it. What do you think?

My dogs stay on leash most of the time near the water, but one likes to get his feet wet and cool off in the summer. He is very well behaved so not being able to let him get right in the water would be a shame. Maybe leads could be removed at the boat ramp area only, if the dog is in the water but I understand that this would be hard to police. Talking of policing......... there is one person in town who has 2 dogs and he is constantly walking all over town with both dogs off-leash. He is a regular reoffender (they are hardly ever on leash). When is something going to be done about that? Bit upsetting that the rest of the public abide by the laws, and this young chap seems to flout them constantly and nothing is done about it. I understand that he is on the radar, but he continues to do it. They are not friendly dogs towards other dogs which is a concern.