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Date Submitted
2021-10-06 18:43:18
Lisa Moore

Reserve on Spur Street, Te Aroha (Yellow A - portion opposite netball club and BMX track)

We’re looking at turning part of the reserve on Spur Street into a fenced off-leash area. What do you think?

I like it and would use it

Spur Street Esplanade, Te Aroha (Yellow B - portion near the Waihou River under the footbridge)

We’re looking at expanding the current Spur Street Esplanade into an off-leash area which will be managed by a community group but available for everyone to use. What do you think?

I like it and would use it
I support this assuming this is fenced as far as dogs go. Running around the wetlands I’ve nearly been bowled over twice by dogs racing across from the field to the swamp. Very happy doggies but i want to be able to make sure my dog can’t run into kids/ elderly who regularly walk the wetlands. If it’s not fenced I won’t use it.

Te Aroha boat ramp

We’re looking at removing the boat ramp reserve, changing it from an off-leash to an on-lead area, as it’s prone to flooding and has the Hauraki Rail Trail running through it. What do you think?

I don’t agree, leave it as an off-leash area
Do you use this area with your dogs off-leash?
I agree if there have been complaints of dog / bike near misses. Safety first. However if it’s simply a case of share with care then I think people need to learn to consider others uses/ requirements for the area. Signage to say ‘dogs off leash’ for cyclists to prepare them. I don’t believe in reacting to complaints against dog owners and punishing them because cyclists simply aren’t prepared to slow down a bit going through shared areas. Don’t punish locals who have been happily using this area for years for the odd out of Towner using the trail occasionally. This is an awesome area for dog owners and has been for a long time. Off leash, swimming, no cattle to upset. It’d be a shame to lose it.