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Paul Cameron
Date Submitted
2021-04-10 11:09:02
Do you think our Waste Minimisation and Management Plan (WMMP) is on the right track?
Do you agree with our proposal to adopt a zero waste attitude across the district by 2038?
Do you have any further comments on the WMMP?
I have read through the WMMP and find the plan informative with some forward vision. My concern is that as mentioned the older resident numbers are increasing which indicates that there could be more people relying on Super and maybe with little chance of further income. There will also be people struggling with lower income also. I am concerned that with limited chances for a large number of people to increase their income, they will have difficulties in being able to meet the every increasing costs of the councils plans which could create more poverty cases. With the $ 328 increase and the Regional Council increase need to be considered. I would hope that this MPDC cost is part of the 11.8 % increase.