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Victoria Kelly
Date Submitted
2021-04-14 12:03:31
Do you think our Waste Minimisation and Management Plan (WMMP) is on the right track?
Do you agree with our proposal to adopt a zero waste attitude across the district by 2038?
Do you have any further comments on the WMMP?
Kerbside collections:

I support the change in how waste is collected in our district but urge the council to keep a zero waste future always in mind. Recycling is not the answer to the problem - as this resource stream is limited. The council will need to invest in education around zero waste in our communities. More investigation needs to put into how the councils can create a system where every bit of waste has a sensible end life. Whatever changes happen, I believe the council has a responsibility to help shift the public waste behaviour, and to not to do so would be irresponsible.

I support the use of a food waste collection; this will go a long way to the diversion of this problem. But once again the Council can be at the forefront of an education programme and encourage the use of home composters and thoughtfulness around what people throw away.

It would be great to see kerb side collection be available for the Rural community as well, so in this hopeful new system, they can become responsible waste diverters too.

Resource recovery centres:

Although it would be great to resource recovery in each town, it would be better to see fewer but well done. Resource recovery is a growing industry and makes practical sense in keeping items of use out of the dumps.

So many things that could be reused are thrown away for convenience sake, but if we had a resource recovery centre run on a business model, with the appropriate backing behind it, giving it visibility in our district, it could become a triumph.

The problem will be being able to change people’s social norms - but not an unsurmountable problem with good strategy and forethought.