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Warwick Hansen
Date Submitted
2021-04-14 17:53:35
Do you think our Waste Minimisation and Management Plan (WMMP) is on the right track?
Do you agree with our proposal to adopt a zero waste attitude across the district by 2038?
Do you have any further comments on the WMMP?
End users are the end of the food chain. Central Government needs to incentivise better packaging and distribution methods if it is serious about not f****ing the tax and rate payers who happen to be one in the same. This is like imposing fart tax on cows while adding 900 more cars a week (most of which are bute utes) to our roads. Tax rises because of covid handouts will eventually appear but after the next election; 11% compound interest on rates for the next 10 years you propose; and a clip in the ear for using the council rubbish collection service.
Who got an 11% pay rise in the last 10 Years? Change the habits that create the problem not the people who are paying for it. Farm worms are great but Govt. want people in mini houses and no gardens.Worm farms on the patio to munch our green waste is good - lets add the the worm wine co-operative that will buy the worm wine back from us into the national market gardens that are shrinking at the same time. This is not a fix until it starts with where the rubbish is added to the supply chain at source. What contribution are the supermarket monopolies making to the problem they perpetuate. This doesn't feel like a team of 5 million proposal. Thanks for asking though.