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Date Submitted
2021-04-14 19:04:18
Do you think our Waste Minimisation and Management Plan (WMMP) is on the right track?
Do you agree with our proposal to adopt a zero waste attitude across the district by 2038?
Do you have any further comments on the WMMP?
Not sure how you will achieve a zero waste in 17 years when there isn't a method of recycling 3+ plastics, except landfill.
It will be sad to see everyone penalised by the same amount of $, pensioners for example don't generate as much kerbside rubbish as the average family home, 1 x bag per month and 1 wheelybin a month and yet will still have to pay the extra high proposed rate from a dwindling (in value) pension.
Having wastemasters installed in homes would surely go a long way to reducing the food waste going to landfills.