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John townsend
Date Submitted
2021-04-15 15:54:59
Do you think our Waste Minimisation and Management Plan (WMMP) is on the right track?
Do you agree with our proposal to adopt a zero waste attitude across the district by 2038?
Do you have any further comments on the WMMP?
I'm still wondering what the local council is doing with all of this EXTRA money they have been getting out of us ratepayers over the last 4 years-aside from a nice flash council building for you all to work in of course! We had free rubbish bags taken away, A supposedly very expensive fountain in town removed which was going to save millions a year in maintenance costs, We've also had over 4% rate rise as well just in the last couple of years if not more than 4%-and yet we can't afford things like traffic or parking wardens (that would ultimately pay for themselves anyway? Where has all OUR money gone? The council must be saving millions with just those few changes alone, and as i said before having parking wardens would be self-sustaining as well going by how many people park where they shouldn't in the district! I look at this and see it as just yet another way for the local council to line its pockets even more at the cost of the ratepayer! This council seems to be really good at wasting money, like on a pointless cycle Trail between here and Te aroha-I bet you couldn't even tell anybody how many people actually use it each year, I know I hardly ever see anybody along there but that cost us millions,And at what cost-A huge rate increase and losing our rubbish bags. The council needs to start being a bit more open and honest with it's spending I think and rather than looking at statistical analysis for its information (which is based on averages not actuals) they need to get some proper quantifiable information that is not based on government supplied data which is averaged from nationwide data because no to districts are the same. plenty of us in the community are getting a little bit annoyed with the constant take take take shown by the local council, and giving nothing in return! I am personally fed up with being unable to park in disabled parks around the district because people who shouldn't be in them park there all the time-maybe if the entire council were disabled in someway they might understand why parking wardens are badly needed-If you are going to say "the cycle Trail bring more people to the district" well that just reinforces the argument for parking wardens! too.