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Date Submitted
2021-04-21 12:48:20

Things we think we should focus on

Te Aroha Spa

Tell us what you think about Te Aroha Spa:
Any other comments on Te Aroha Spa:

Additional water sources for Morrinsville

Tell us what you think about Additional water sources for Morrinsville:
Any other comments on Additional water sources for Morrinsville:

Facing the rubbish problem head on

Tell us what you think about Kerbside collections:
Any other comments on Kerbside collections:
Tell us what you think about Resource recovery centres:
Any other comments on Resource recovery centres:

Revitalising our town centres

Tell us what you think about Revitalising our town centres:
Any other comments on Revitalising our town centres:

Mountain bike skills and dog park for Te Aroha

Tell us what you think about Mountain bike skills and dog park for Te Aroha:
Any other comments on Mountain bike skills and dog park for Te Aroha:

Improving walking and cycling connections

Tell us what you think about Improving walking and cycling connections:
Any other comments on Improving walking and cycling connections:

Dog park in Matamata

Tell us what you think about Dog park in Matamata:
Any other comments on Dog park in Matamata:
What do you think about our proposed limits for rates and debt?
What do you think about our plans for our other projects?

Things we want to investigate/Looking further ahead/Things we're compromising on:

Other comments:
Subject: big decisions
Enquiry type: General
Message: Reading the local Scene I noticed the page with "We have some big decisions to make" and was directed to expecting to see further detail about the big decisions and some place where I could pass on my opinions about the directions being taken with my rates payments but nothing: a promising url leading to nothing but standard menus; this is perhaps reflective of council's efficiency and willingness to fully engage with those who fund it.

A 12%.(I will take the liberty of rounding) increase in rates is an outrage. As a Matamata resident.I'm already paying rates at a level that would (and often does) shock most Aucklanders Why? I'm certainly not receiving any more benefits so I assume it is a combination of economies of scale and mostly I suspect inefficiencies. If such an increase comes about with no real justiification and spas and cycle tracks are being built I will be looking to a) leave the region and/or b) attempt to rally fellow rate payers to boycott the council and withhold rate payments until there are significant changes at the council.

Only two of the 'focus on' items listed should be of focus given the apparently abysmal state of council finances these are water supply and rubbish. Everything else on the list is a nice-to-have if you/we (the council representing people of the region) are.managing the civic requirements and are producing a prudently managed surplus. I require the council I'm funding to focus firstly on the basics of healthy living (which is after all why councils were established) so that is:

*Quality water supply,
*Sewerage management and disposal,
*Rubbish collection and disposal, Rubbish collection and processing needs a major overhaul, the systems here and throughout the
country were developed around products and consumer behaviour of 60 years ago.
*Electricity, telecommunication and road infrastructure (e.g. the impact of the increase in trucking over the last 40 years on small
town urban environments needs to be addressed)
* Management of housing and business development activities

If council can't manage these basics on the current level of funding rate payers (as those funding the services) need to be shown clearly and honestly the costs of the services to justify any increases and allow them to set priorities by way of voting in elections.
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