Waitoa Water Supply

What is happening with the water supply in Waitoa?
Due to central government changes, Fonterra have decided they cannot continue to be the water supplier for the village of Waitoa. Taumata Arowai (the new water regulator) requires Council to help come up with a solution, so we have been working alongside Fonterra and the residents of Waitoa for the last few years to investigate potential options for around 120-150 residential properties in this settlement.
At a high level, we have worked on options for Council to provide a water supply and the financial impacts. Starting in 2025, the residents of Waitoa will be consulted on whether they wish to be connected to a Council supply or not. If the community does decide to connect to a Council supply, the town is likely to be connected to the Te Aroha Water Supply via a trunk main that supplies a nearby industry. There would be no need for any additional treatment facilities, and Council already provides water to a number of similar small rural settlements.
Because we are unsure at this stage whether or not Council will need to invest in this water supply, we have not included any funding in the budget for the Waitoa water supply. However, funding has been put aside for the consultation process which is due to begin in 2025.
Frequently Asked Questions
The suggested houses will be those zoned as residential or business properties, and will not include rural properties. You can see the map here, specifically the properties with yellow stripes across them.
Project Timeline
Ongoing discussions with the Waitoa community
2017 - 2024
Report to Council
September 2024
Consultation period with the Waitoa community
starting April 2025
Additional information
Council minutes - September 2024 (refer to Item 7.7 Waitoa Water Supply - options for the community, p.12)
Council report - September 2024 (refer to Item 7.7 Waitoa Water Supply - options for the community, p.91-102)
Contact us
We're happy to answer any questions you have about this - feel free to contact us on:
- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- 0800 746 467
You can also sign up for updates by selecting Waitoa Water Supply under the Projects section here.