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Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy - have your say

The Building Act 2004 requires us to have a policy on dangerous and insanitary buildings. The Policy must also consider any buildings that may be affected by a dangerous building, e.g. adjacent to, adjoining, or nearby. We are required to review this policy every five years.

The Dangerous and Insanitary Buildings Policy ensures that buildings in the district do not compromise people’s health and safety, and sets out a how the Council will undertake its responsibilities under the Building Act 2004 that relate to dangerous, affected and insanitary buildings,

Council has re-designed the policy to improve readability, however no major changes have been made to the policy principles.

To find out more, you can see the Statement of Proposal and Draft Dangerous, Affected and Insanitary Buildings Policy here.

This consultation is open between 21 March 2024 and 21 April 2024.

 dangerous affected and insanitary bulidings Website slide