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Development Contributions - have your say

Development Contributions are the funds received from people or organisations when they develop property. They are used to fund capital works that are driven by the need to provide services to our growing communities.

We are required under legislation to review our existing policy every three years and to consult with the community on any changes we have proposed.

We may charge development contributions to help fund:

  • Network infrastructure - the provision of roads and other transport, water, wastewater, and stormwater collection and management
  • Community infrastructure - the provision of the following assets if we own and operate them:
  • Community centres or halls for the use of a local community or neighbourhood, and the land on which they are or will be situated;
  • Play equipment that is located on a neighbourhood reserve;
  • Toilets for use by the public.
  • Reserves

To find out more, you can find our Statement of Proposal and the Draft Development Contributions Policy here.

This consultation is open between 21 March 2024 and 21 April 2024.

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