Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy

Council first adopted a Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy in 2019. The purpose of the Policy is to promote the health and wellbeing of our communities by discouraging smoking in outdoor areas. The Policy utilises non-regulatory approaches such as smokefree areas, signage and education/awareness to achieve behavioural change.
The principles of the Policy are:
- Promotion and support of the health and wellbeing of our community, including children and young people.
- Encouraging behavioural change in a manner that is acceptable and reflects our community values.
- Fostering a positive smokefree message, with an emphasis on modelling positive behaviour for children and young people.
We review this policy every five years to check in with the community if any changes are required.
What is included in the policy?
The Policy contains smokefree public areas across the whole of the district as follows:
- All Council owned or managed Parks and Reserves
- Council owned playgrounds
- Skate parks
- All Council owned or managed sports locations
- All bus stops and shelters.
- Public toilets
- The Hauraki Rail Trail
- Entrances outside all Council owned and operated buildings.
- Outdoor public areas within the Central Business District (CBD) of Te Aroha, Matamata and Morrinsville (please see Schedule 1 of the draft policy)
- All footpath outdoor dining areas within the district.
- All public cark parks outside CBD areas.
Are we proposing any changes to the Policy?
We're not proposing any major changes to this Policy and have only made minor amendments to assist in clarity. These changes are indicated in the draft Policy in red text with proposed deletions struck through. We want to know from you if you think any changes are required to meet the needs of the community.
Council decision
We received 17 submissions on the draft Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy. Of these submissions, 6 agreed with the proposed option to adopt the updated policy, 2 did not agree with the proposal, and 9 did not have an opinion or did not select an option.
Submissions questioned the effectiveness of the policy and queried how it is enforced. Some suggestions were made to put up more signage to encourage compliance with the policy. There were also concerns about vaping and the number of vape shops.
At its meeting on 22 May 2024, Council decided to adopt the policy as consulted on with the community. Council noted that smoking is not illegal and the policy does not include smoking bans - it includes maps of public outdoor spaces that are designated as smokefree and relies on community compliance with the policy supported by education and awareness. The policy is consistent with many other councils around the country who have similar policies supporting smokefree outdoor areas. Council has directed staff to undertake a campaign to increase awareness and compliance with the policy.
Council noted that the policy also includes the use of vapes. In regards to the number of vape shops, Council does not have a role in this area. The Ministry of Health are the agency responsible for the regulation of vaping products.
You can view the final Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy by clicking the button below. This policy will apply from 1 July 2023 and will be available to view on our website (under Policies and Bylaws).
Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy 2024
Get involved
Submissions have now closed.
Draft Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy
Draft Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy 2024
Draft Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy 2024 (with tracked changes)
Project Timeline
Council adopt proposal for community consultation
13 March 2024
Consultation on draft Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy
21 March - 21 April 2024
Hearing on draft Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy 2024
8 May (9 May if needed) 2024
Council consider submissions/make decisions
TBC May 2024
Council adopt New Smokefree Outdoor Spaces Policy
1 July 2024