Hetana Street Reserve Framework Plan

The creation of a Framework for Hetana Street and Reserve was prompted by discussion about various potential projects in the vicinity including the potential replacement of the public toilet block, extending the Hauraki Rail Trail cycleway, connecting the Inner and Outer Green Routes, roading and footpath improvements in the vicinity, and suggestions from the community to improve the reserve.
It was agreed that a Masterplan or Framework Plan was required to better understand the potential for the area and to engage with the community about their vision for the space.
The purpose of this Framework Plan for Hetana Street Reserve is to present a clear and compelling long-term vision to guide the future development of the reserve, aligning with community values and accommodating people of all ages and abilities.
It is intended to serve as a guide for the development of the area over the long term and to help facilitate further discussions with the community, providing a roadmap for the execution of projects identified in the Framework Plan.
The ultimate goal is to transform the reserve into a valued destination, which is seamlessly linked to the town centre, underpins local businesses and tourism, and enjoys widespread popularity among all community members.
Frequently Asked Questions
A framework plan (sometimes called a masterplan, landscape concept plan, or spatial plan) guides the long-term development and use of a park to achieve a shared vision. Framework planning is about making the connection between buildings, social settings, and their surrounding environments.
Planning begins, Resilio Studio appointed.
April 2020
Hui with Ngati Haua, Ngati Hinerangi, & Raukawa representatives
April 2020
Open day and public consultation
June 2020
Workshop with Council about framework plan
May 2023
Council formally endorses framework plan for the reserve
October 2023
Additional Information
- Council endorsed the Hetana Street Reserve Framework Plan - Minutes of ordinary meeting of Matamata-Piako District Council - Wednesday, 25 October 2023.
- Hetana Street Reserve Classification
- Pride of Place Matamata