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Event Funding Application Form

Application Details

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Organisation Details

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Council will consider the following when assessing a proposal for a grant:
  • the viability of the event as a whole and fundraising efforts already shown (e.g. Business Plan, marketing strategy)
  • the viability and sustainability of the event
  • the extent of the benefit to the community, including economic opportunities and benefits
  • the event cost and scope
  • previous assistance given by the Council or other agencies
  • the contribution to the event being provided by the organisation itself
  • the contribution of the event to Council’s vision and outcomes
Funding approved under this Policy may be for one-off events or regular events, and may be approved for one or more years.
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Please enter the amount requested.
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Supporting Information

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Resource Consent

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Declaration: I declare that I have the authority to make an application on behalf of my organisation and that the information supplied here is correct. I understand and agree that this application will be presented to Council in a public meeting and will be accessible by the public.

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