Plan Change 47: Plan Your Town – Banks Road Appeal
Plan Change 47 reviews the parts of the District Plan relating to the planning rules and zoning for each of our three towns and the areas around them. From smaller section sizes to business zones, we want to ensure that the land supply is aligned to our population projections and that there is room for future growth.
This page details the part of Plan Change 47 at Banks Road, Matamata that was subject to Environment Court appeal.
The Process
The changes approved by Plan Change 47 are wide ranging and affect the zoning and planning rules for Matamata, Morrinsville and Te Aroha. They include:
- changes to the rules for building setback distances from boundaries
- a review of residential zones
- a review of the locations of rural-residential zones
- identifying likely future urban growth areas
- changes to residential infill subdivision around town centres
- a review of shop frontage areas in town centres
- a review of the development controls and subdivision rules
- fewer requirements for landscaping in business and industrial zones.
Notified inviting submissions from October - December 2016
Notified inviting further submissions which closed on 1 March 2017
A hearing was held on 20 and 21 June 2017
The Council decision was notified on 13 September 2017. This excludes the Kuranui Road rezoning*
An appeal to the Environment Court was received on 24 October 2017 relating to proposed zoning at Banks Road, Matamata.
The appeal to the Environment Court was resolved and the Banks Road rezoning became operative on 22 April 2020.
*Note: The extent of the residential rezoning and the proposed Future Residential Policy area north of Banks Road, Matamata was subject to appeal and limited weighting was given to the new proposals of Plan Change 47 until the appeal was resolved and made operative on 22 April 2020. The proposed Kuranui Road rezoning was subject to an Environment Court appeal period which ended in April 2018 and it became operative in June 2018. Please see the Plan Change 47: Plan Your Town - Kuranui Road page.
An appeal to the Environment Court was received on 24 October 2017.
Calcutta Farms Appeal to Plan Change 47
The following requests to be party to appeal proceedings have also been received:
Part Decision
The decision excludes the Horrell Road Notice of Requirement and rezoning (which was withdrawn by Council on 13 December 2017) and Kuranui Road rezoning which was subject to an Environment Court appeal period.
Appendix 1 - Section 32 Report
Appendix 2 - Changes to District Plan
Appendix 3 - Changes to Planning Maps
The hearing report and accompanying documentation can be accessed below:
Volume 1
- Hearing report including Part A & B - Submissions and further submissions analysis and recommendation of actions.
Volume 2
- Part C - Submissions Summary Table - Summary of all submissions made and brief recommendation for each.
- Part D - Full set of Submissions and Further Submissions
Volume 3
- Part E - Annotated Changes to Notified District Plan Maps - Full set of maps notified for submission, including annotated changes to those maps that have undergone changes as a result of recommendations from the hearings report.
- Part F - Recommended District Plan Provisions
- Part G - Recommended District Plan Maps
Plan change 47 Public Notice of Summary of Submissions
Summary of submissions - this is an abbreviated record of all submissions received and relief sought by submitters.
Submissions to Plan Change 47 - this is a copy of each submission received in relation to Plan Change 47.
Notified Plan Change
View the Section 32 Report - this explains the proposed changes to zoning and planning provisions, including a summary of the evaluation of costs, benefits and options.
View an overview of the proposed changes (Appendix 1.1).
Proposed changes to section 6 of the District Plan (Appendix 1.2). This includes tracked changes to show the text in this section that has been deleted, added or modified as part of the plan change.
Proposed changes to section 6 of the District Plan (Appendix 1.3). This is a user-friendly version of appendix 1.2.
Proposed changes to section 10 of the District Plan (Appendix 1.4). This includes tracked changes to show the text in this section that has been deleted, added or modified as part of the plan change.
View the maps of the proposed changes to zoning in Matamata (Appendix 2.1).
View the proposed final versions of the maps (Appendix 2.2).
View the Town Strategies 2013-2033 document (Appendix 3.1) and land budgets (Appendix 3.1). Completed in 2013, the strategies are intended to give long term guidance to future development of our three towns.
View the Matamata-Piako population projections (Appendix 3.5). This helps forecast areas of growth and indicate where District Plan changes may be required.
Plan Change 47 Infrastructure and Funding paper This is the cost and nature of capital works required to service existing and proposed areas for development.
Submissions on Plan Change 47 closed at 5pm on 16 December 2016.
Further submissions of Plan Change 47 closed at 5pm on Wednesday 1st March 2017.
Need more information?
If you have any questions about the plan change please contact Mark Hamilton on 07 884 0060.
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