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Proposed Private Plan Change 58 - Avenue Business Park Summary of Submissions

Summary of Submissions - 17 August 2023

The following table provides a summary of submissions received for Avenue Business Park - Private Plan Change 58 and also provides hyper-links to the original submissions. This submission summary is prepared in accordance with Clause 7 of Schedule 1 of the Resource Management Act 1991 (RMA).

The following parties may make a further submission in accordance with Clause 8(1) of the RMA.

  • any person representing a relevant aspect of the public interest; and
  • any person that has an interest in the proposed policy statement or plan greater than the interest that the general public has; and
  • the local authority itself.

The summary identifies whether each submission point supports (S), supports in part or with amendments (SA), opposes (O) or their position is unknown or not stated (U).

The summary is ordered by submitter.





(and hyperlink to original submission)




Submission Summary

Decision Sought


Waikato Regional Council


  • Supports engagement with WRC.
  • Further clarification/assessment is required in terms of the land supply projection and alignment with the National Policy Statement – Highly Productive Land (NPS-HPL).
  • The plan change proposal requires assessment under Proposed Change 1 to the Waikato Regional Policy Statement (WRPS).
  • MPDC is required to undertake an assessment of the plan change in accordance with UFD-P19 of the WRPS.
  • The rezoning proposal is generally consistent with transportation policies however further opportunities and assessment of emissions reduction and reliance on cars must be prioritised and adopted into the plan change.

That the matters identified in the submission are addressed and considered as part of the plan change process.


Waka Kotahi


  • Traffic generation and pedestrian/cycle movements can be managed from the Avenues Road North.
  • The plan change is generally consistent with the Future Proof Strategy.
  • The Plan Change will help to address a shortfall of industrial land supply.
  • Waka Kotahi has a strong preference for all access to be from Avenues Road North.
  • The future road link to SH26 may have adverse effects on the efficient and safe operation of the state highway network.

The matters identified in the submission will need to be considered and addressed.


Fire and Emergency New Zealand


  • The rezoning will require adequate water supply and compliance with NZS for capacity and pressure for firefighting.
  • The application material identifies that the higher contour areas of the site will not achieve sufficient pressure to comply with FW3.
  • The Plan Change and future development should ensure a complying supply to manage fire risk.
  • A specific rule is sought to be included in the Structure Plan to require all buildings to be designed in accordance with NZ Firefighting Water Supplies Code of Practice SNZ PAS 4509:2008.

New Industrial land is only enabled when it is matched with key water infrastructure and that rules are included to ensure compliance with the firefighting standard - NZS 4509:2008.


Bowers Brothers Concrete Limited


  • Currently operate from a site next to plan change area.
  •  Additional Industrial land is required for the growth of Morrinsville and to support the local economy.
  • The location is appropriate as it consolidates industrial activities into one area.

Accept Plan Change.


Calcutta Farms No 2 Limited


  • The submitter is the plan proponent for PC57 in Matamata which is also seeking rezoning for industrial land supply.
  • PC58 seeks to utilise that same General Industrial provisions which have been proposed in PC57. The submitters seeks to ensure that any changes proposed by PC58 do not have unintended consequences for PC57.
  • The proposed General Industrial provisions which form part of PC58 are generally supported. The submitters seeks to be a party to any further discussions and/or refinement of the proposed provisions.
  • One specific change is sought in relation to the landscaping rule (GIZ-R2(5)) along a Rural Zone boundary.

That the General Industrial provisions are amended in accordance with the proposed amendment to - (GIZ-R2(5)).

Opportunity to be engaged and participate in any further refinement of the rule provisions.


Maven Matamata Limited 


  • There is a shortfall of industrial land in Morrinsville.
  • The location of the zone area is appropriate as it adjoins existing industrial activities and provides ideal access to the state highway network.
  • The Structure Plan includes appropriate provision for road layout, landscape buffers and provision for wastewater and stormwater infrastructure.
  • The rezoning will provide positive social and economic benefits for the community.
  • The approach is consistent with the National Planning Standards.

Accept Plan Change.


Lockerbie Estate Limited


  • The submitter is the developer of Lockerbie Estate which is a residential development on the northern periphery of Morrinsville.
  • There is a shortfall of industrial land in Morrinsville and across the region.
  • The location of the site has integral attributes in terms of transportation routes and proximity to Auckland, Hamilton and Tauranga.
  • Providing additional land will provide additional employment opportunities.
  • The site is well located adjacent to existing industrial activities.

Accept Plan Change.


Warren and Sandra Davenport


  • The submission includes parts of the plan changes which are fully opposed and some parts which are supported.
  • Future Road Corridor to SH26 is opposed in its entirety. Road corridor will potentially affect the state highway function and the residential buildings and activities adjacent to the corridor.
  • The proposed landscape buffer to the Rural Zone is insufficient and cannot function as a swale and a landscape buffer. The buffer should be extended from 5m to 10m. This is required to align with Sections 7(c) and (f) of the RMA regarding amenity.
  • The provision of one tree per 10m and intensive development of industrial activities is inadequate and must be revisited and designed to provide appropriate screening and mitigation.
  • The height limit of building adjoining a Rural Zone or Rural Residential Zone should be limited to 8m.
  • An enhanced buffer is also necessary to support gateway views on the entrance to Morrinsville.
  • The Utility Reserve should be located to the eastern boundary to prevent risk of overflows and nuisance from noise from alarms.
  • Potential flaws and/or insufficient assessment of transportation effects. Issues include additional traffic generation from the Lockerbie Estate and residents driving to Hamilton for work and lack of analysis of other transport depots and traffic generation on local network.
  • Various rule amendments are sought including;
  • 18.3 GIZ -P6 – additional wording proposed (reasoning outlined in submission is unclear/incomplete)
  • 18.4 GIZ-R1(1) - amend quantum’s for earthworks within yards.
  • 18.5 GIZ-R2 (GIZ 2) – Amend maximum height of sites adjacent to boundaries to 8m.
  • 18.5 GIZ-R2 (GIZ 3) – Clarification of rule for height in relation to boundary.
  • 18.5 GIZ-R2 (GIZ 4) – Proposed amendments to fencing rules in relation to height and permeability. Clarification of rule for height in relation to boundary.
  • 18.5 GIZ-R2 (GIZ 5) – Clarification of rule for planting within buffer zone, one tree per 10m is not appropriate.

Accept the plan change with the amendments outlined in the submission.


Suzanne Hindman


  • Totally supports the plan change and considers it will support Lockerbie Estate development.
  • More shops will be welcomed.
  • Additional design and amenities such as playgrounds/seating and cow murals should be considered.

Accept Plan Change.


Glencoe Family Trust


  • Oppose specific noise rule in relation to noise compliance measured at nominal boundary of existing house sites.
  • If new houses are built, extra costs will be incurred by property owner.

Accept Plan Change with amendments to noise rules set out in submission.


Matamata-Piako District Council


A series of amendments and clarifications are proposed to the proposed GIZ and Structure Plan provisions. These include;

  • Assessment of land supply projections and clarification of differences between the plan proponents analysis of land supply and Council’s Business Development capacity needs further analysis and review.
  • Minor amendment to GIZ Issues statement.
  • Minor amendment of GIZ-O2.
  • Clarification of how ancillary activities are provided for in GIZ-R1(1).
  • Further definition of cafes and takeaway food outlets in - GIZ-R1(1)(l).
  • Amend activity status for wet industry from a Discretionary Activity to a Non-complying activity - GIZ-R1(1)(d).
  • Amend activity status for activities not in accordance with the Structure Plan from a Discretionary Activity to a Non-complying activity - GIZ-R1(4)(d) and Rule 6.3.3.
  • Clarification of linkage rules and rule provision for landscaping buffers – GIZ-R2(5) and 9.6.3.
  • Clarification of Utility Reserve exclusions in relation to yard and height to boundary rules – GIZ-R2(2)(b) and GIZ-R2(3).
  • Clarification of rule associated with fencing of Utility Reserves – GIZ-R2(2)(4).
  • Clarification and amendment to rules associated with outdoor storage adjoining a reserve boundary, including fencing/screening rule - GIZ-R2(4) & (9).
  • Amend and clarification of screening rule for yards - GIZ-R2(10)(a).
  • Clarification of placement of machinery and plant in front yards where this is part of a retail activity – GIZ-R2(9) & (10).
  • Clarification and amendment to rules associated with utility reserves - GIZ-R2(12).
  • Reformatting of rule for discretionary assessment wording in GIZ-R3(1)(b).
  • Amendment to clarify status and notification requirements for boundary adjustment subdivision - 6.1.2(l) and 6.5.4(v).
  • Amendment to clarify timing of landscaping works and that the buffers shall be planted at the time of subdivision 9.6.3.
  • Provide rule provisions for Developer Agreement.
  • Provide definition for ‘height in relation to boundary’ in accordance with National Planning Standards.
  • Provide new definition for Utility Reserve.

Accept Plan Change with amendments as set out is submission.


Morrinsville Chamber of Commerce


  • Supports the plan change which will increase local jobs and support existing trades and services.
  • Will reduce risk of Morrinsville becoming a dormitory town for Hamilton with only residential growth.

Accept Plan Change.


Peter Hexter


  • Accept in principal the proposition that more industrial land is required in Morrinsville however is opposed to current proposal subject to further engagement with developer and/or amendments.
  • Noise is an issue and concerns over lack of baseline noise assessment and potential effects from industrial noise.
  • Landscape and visual effects will be severe and will affect both aesthetic values and property value.
  • Risk of light pollution.
  • Reports refer to existing tress as mitigation of visual effects however some trees may be removed. The proposed 5m buffer of planting and screening is inadequate.
  • Concerns over further runoff from industrial development onto adjacent property.
  • Economic assessment should include analysis of negative impacts on adjacent property.
  • Plan provisions should provide more focus on cycling and footpath connections, and appropriate signage.
  • Potential issue of how the development can serve longer term/future development through ‘paper roads’.
  • Needs more commitment to sustainability and use of renewable energy.

Decline Plan Change.


Andrew Barker (Late Submission)


  • General support for plan change however additional traffic on SH26 needs to be assessed to ensure that this is safe.
  • Speed restriction to 70 or 80km/h needs to be extended to slow traffic leaving Morrinsville.

Plan Change supported subject to safety issues addressed on SH26