Plan Change 54: Papakāinga

We’re proposing some new rules to better enable Papakāinga development in Matamata-Piako, and we want to know what you think.
The Papakāinga Plan Change (PC 54) seeks to include new rules that enable quality papakāinga development that supports the social, cultural and economic wellbeing of tangata whenua.
One of the key aspects of the Plan Change is the creation of a new zone called the Māori Purpose Zone. The Māori Purpose Zone is proposed to have two separate precincts.
Precinct 1 - Papakāinga Tahi
Sites that are proposed to be re-zoned as Papakāinga Tahi (MPZ-PREC1) have existing marae and directly adjoining Māori freehold blocks. The MPZ-PREC1 will provide the most enabling provisions for papakāinga by:
- Increasing housing density in comparison to rural zoning by proposing one residential unit per 5000m2 of site area, up to a maximum of 10 residential units; and
- Establishment of home businesses and small-scale community facilities, education facilities, healthcare facilities, urupa, relocatable buildings and accessory buildings.
Precinct 2 - Papakāinga Rua
Sites that are proposed to be rezoned as Papakāinga Rua (MPZ-PREC2) have existing papakāinga. These sites are connected to Council services and therefore have the ability to provide for further housing, subject to maintaining appropriate standards of amenity. Please refer to the maps of ‘Rukumoana Road’ and ‘Raungaiti Marae’ to view these sites.
These sites will be able to build one house per 500m2 of site area, if they are under the title of:
- Māori Freehold land; or
- A legal mechanism is put in place to ensure the land will be maintained in whanau ownership in perpetuity.
District Wide Provisions
For sites that are not included in the new Māori Purpose Zone, we are including provisions that will enable papakāinga development on Māori Freehold Land, General Land owned by Māori (if it can be demonstrated there is an ancestral connection and a legal mechanism in place to ensure the land is maintained in whanau ownership in perpetuity), and Treaty Settlement Land in the Rural and Rural-Residential Zone.
Just like any development on private property, the cost to develop falls on the property owners. Council, through the District Plan, sets the guidelines for papakāinga and how the district can develop and grow, but does not contribute to the development costs. It will be up to the landowners to decide if/when they wish to develop papakāinga on their land, and to fund the development. There are national funds available that may assist to establish papakāinga.
A hearing was held on 17 and 18 April 2024 and the independent commissioners under delegated authority by the Matamata-Piako District Council approved with modifications Plan Change 54 on 30 June 2024. In accordance with Clause 14, Schedule 1 of the Resource Managment Act, any person who made a submission on the proposed plan change may appeal to the Environment Court. The decision has been publically notified on 9, 10 & 11 July 2024 and the plan change appeal period closes 5pm on Thursday, 22 August 2024.
The decision documents and public notices can be accessed below;
Hearing Panel Report and Decisions - Plan Change 54
Attachment A - Hearing Panel Decisions on Submissions
Attachment B1 Hearing Panel Decisions - Amended District Wide Provisions
Attachment B2 Hearing Panel Decisions- Amended Maori Purpose Zone Provisions
This plan change was first publicly notified on 8 November 2022. An error was discovered, and PC54 was re-notified on 21 December 2022. The submission period was from 21 December 2022 to 13 February 2023. In total, 55 submissions were received, and the further submission period which closed on 26 April 2023 resulted in 3 further submissions.
The hearing for this plan change is to commence at 9.30am on Wednesday 17th through to Friday 19th April (if required) at the Matamata-Piako District Council Chambers, 35 Kenrick Street, Te Aroha.
Hearing commissioners Minutes of Directions
Direction #1 Independent Hearing Panel
Direction #2 Independent Hearing Panel
Processing Planners Right of Reply
Right of Reply - Papakāinga written Right of Reply
Attachment A - Response to Kainga Ora's key points
Attachment B - Process for Papakāinga resource consent application
Attachment C - Officers recommended decisions on submissions
Attachment D - Recommended district wide provisions
Attachment D - Recommended MPZ provisions
Attachment E - Douglas Road traffic assessment
Tabled in the Hearing
S42A Report Writing Officer's Overview
Susanne Kampshof, MPDC Asset Manager Strategy and Policy Evidence
S.42A Officers report will be available 4pm Monday 18 March 2024.
Attachment A - Summary of Submissions
Attachment B - Recommended District Wide Provisions
Attachment B - Recommended MPZ Provisions
Attachment D - Pre Hearing Correspondence
Attachment E - Record of Title Ohaki Marae Access
Submitters expert evidence will be available 4pm Monday 8 April 2024.
Waikato Regional Council letter to the Hearings Panel - Proposed Plan Change 54
Kainga Ora - Corporate Evidence PC54 to the MPDC ODP
Te Tumu Paeroa - Office of the Māori Trustee Evidence
Opening legal submissions will be available 4pm Friday 12 April 2024.
No legal submissions received.
Technical Evidence
Waikato Regional Council - Memo-Technical Feedback-Plan Change 54-Douglas Road
Notification of Summary of Submissions
The notification of Summary of Submissions phase opened 4 April 2023 and closed 4.30pm, Wednesday 26 April 2023
View the Summary of Submissions and Submissions received here
During the Summary of Submissions phase we received a total of 3 Further Submissions from 2 parties. You can view these below:
Re-Notification of Plan Change
We first advertised Plan Change 54 - Papakāinga in November 2022, then we discovered an error on our website (we had published the earlier version by mistake), which meant we had to withdraw the plan change. Now we're advertising it again - with the correct information listed below.
If you submitted to the plan change in November that was withdrawn and would like your submission carried forward, or help making a new submission please call us on 0800 746 467.
Submissions closed at 4.30pm on Monday, 13 February 2023
- Section 32 Assessment
- Appendix A - Marae
- Appendix B - Maori Land
- Appendix C - Issues and Options
- Appendix D - Research from other District Plans
- Appendix E - Proposed Provisions
- Appendix F - Maps
- Appendix G
If you want to compare this information to what was originally advertised in November, you can:
- view a highlighted version of the changes (showing the corrections between the original notified version and the re-notified version) ; or
- see the full list of documents that were originally notified (note that many of these are the same as those listed above - it was only the proposed Māori Purpose Zone provisions that were incorrectly advertised).
Frequently Asked Questions
Council is not undertaking any Papakāinga development – we are just reviewing the rules to enable these developments to occur, if the landowners wish to. The only costs are administrative costs to make changes to the plan and consult with the community, which we are required to do under the Resource Management Act.
Plan Change Process
25 January 2022
Plan change withdrawn due to clerical error
15 December 2022
Re-notified for public submissions
21 December 2022
Submissions closed at 4.30pm on Monday, 13 February 2023
Council calls for further submissions
4 April 2023
Further submissions closed 4.30pm, Wednesday 26 April 2023
Hearing Commissioners to consider submissions
17 - 19 April 2024
Plan change decision notified, Environment Court appeal period
Appeal period closes 22 August 2024
Plan change operative
6 November 2024
*Note that this timeline shows the entire plan change process. Timeframes are indicative only as the plan change process is fluid. The dates will change from time to time as we work through this process