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Private Plan Change 57 - Calcutta

What is being proposed?

Matamata-Piako District Council recently received a private plan change request for more industrial land within Matamata. Calcutta – Private Plan Change 57 seeks to rezone approximately 41ha of land located on the southern side of Tauranga Road from rural to a General Industrial Zone (GIZ).

The General Industrial Zone is proposed to have specific provisions that will provide for dry-industry, which will have low impact on water and wastewater services. As well as providing for some activities that are supportive of industrial activities and/or activities that are compatible with the adverse effects generated by industrial activities.

In addition to this, Calcutta – Private Plan Change 57 also seeks to introduce the Calcutta Development Area Plan which offers a future development framework. The key features that the CDAP provides for are:

  • An Upgrade of the SH24/Tower Road/Burwood Road roundabout to incorporate dual lane approaches and an internal road network with a north-south collector road that connects to the roundabout.
  • Integrated public amenity areas that provide for a well-functioning industrial land offering and supports a stormwater network. This includes:
    • An open space and reserve network that integrates with the future stormwater network.
    • A walking and cycling network that runs through the CDAP and connections to the wider network.
    • A reserve along the CDAP’s frontage to SH24 that provides for the protection of the existing Pinoak trees.


The Process

 Status - Summary 

PC57 Summary of Submissions Timeline

  • Plan Change lodged on 3 August 2022
  • Plan Change presented to Council on 28 September 2022 and accepted for notification.
  • The notification phase opened for submissions on 11 October 2022 and closed 4.30pm, Wednesday 9 November 2022.
  • The further notification phase for the summary of submissions opened on 7 March 2023 and closed at 4.30pm, Tuesday 21 March 2023.


Notification of Summary of Submissions 

During the Summary of Submissions phase we received Further Submissions from 12 parties with a total of 20 Further Submissions.  You can view these below: 

Forest & Bird

Garland Engineering Limited

Harlow Holdings

J Swap

Kaimai Fresh


Waka Kotahi

L J Hooker

Hayden Wright

Warwick and Marion Steffert

Milestone Homes Matamata

Bruce Magan

The notification phase opened on 7 March 2023 and closed 4.30pm, Tuesday 21 March 2023.  

Public Notice

View the Summary of Submissions and Submissions received here



Notification of Plan Change 

The notification phase opened on 11 October 2022 and closed 4.30pm, Wednesday 9 November 2022.

Public Notice

Plan Change Application - Calcutta Farms Ltd

Appendix A - Proposed District Plan Amendments

Appendix B - Calcutta Farms Zoning and Development Area Plan

Appendix C - Section 32 Assessment

Appendix D - Infrastructure Report and Appendicies

Appendix E - Integrated Transport Assessment

Appendix F - Landscape and Visual Effects Assessment

Appendix G - Acoustic Assessment

Appendix H - Ecological Assessment

Appendix I - Geotechnical Investigation Report

Appendix J - Land Contamination Report

Appendix K - Archaeological Assessment

Appendix L - Economic Assessment by Market Economics

Appendix M - Cultural Values Report

Memo to MPDC regarding NPS Highly Productive Land

Peer Reviews 

Economics and Demand review - Property Economics

Three Waters Infrastructure review - CKL

Transport review - Graymatter


Need more information?

If you have any questions about the plan change please contact Nathan Sutherland on 07 8840060 ext 7750 or via email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.