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Submissions overview

Interested to see how your views stack up with others? Or keen to read what others have to say before making your submission? Check out the submissions below.

Data is published live as submissions come in, so these will continually change throughout the consultation period. 

Hard copy submissions

Submitter NameDate entered
Anne Briggs2021-04-06 14:30:03View submission
Denise Williams & Clive Williams2021-04-06 11:45:57View submission
Graham and Ruth Harkness 2021-04-06 11:26:44View submission
Gregory Mark Shaw2021-04-06 11:20:51View submission
Cushla & Donald Lindsay2021-04-06 11:16:34View submission
W. I. Taylor (William Ian)2021-04-06 09:35:33View submission
David James Higgins2021-04-06 09:13:55View submission
Jan Wilson2021-04-06 09:08:37View submission
Paul Smits2021-04-01 11:36:17View submission
Mark May2021-04-01 11:27:38View submission
Bryan & Kim Armstrong2021-04-01 10:16:22View submission
J Roos2021-04-01 09:50:50View submission