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Submissions overview

Interested to see how your views stack up with others? Or keen to read what others have to say before making your submission? Check out the submissions below.

Data is published live as submissions come in, so these will continually change throughout the consultation period. 

Hard copy submissions

Submitter NameDate entered
Lisa Groen2021-04-20 10:07:04View submission
Howards Tiddy2021-04-20 09:59:58View submission
Cliff Thomas2021-04-20 09:51:45View submission
Mapuna Turner 2021-04-20 09:31:43View submission
John H Gibson2021-04-20 09:20:02View submission
Rangitionga Kaukau2021-04-20 09:19:42View submission
Mervyn Joines 2021-04-20 08:46:15View submission
Peter Vossen2021-04-19 15:54:51View submission
Robin Danford 2021-04-19 15:44:14View submission
M Ellender2021-04-19 15:24:42View submission
Robert Stuart2021-04-19 15:08:00View submission
Michael H. Upton2021-04-19 14:57:55View submission
Kevin Kent2021-04-19 14:53:57View submission
Ernie Bygrave2021-04-19 14:50:22View submission
P.M. Wilcock2021-04-19 14:14:17View submission