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Submissions overview

Interested to see how your views stack up with others? Or keen to read what others have to say before making your submission? Check out the submissions below.

Data is published live as submissions come in, so these will continually change throughout the consultation period. 

Hard copy submissions

Submitter NameDate entered
Steve Hannah2021-04-15 13:46:07View submission
C. A. Drew2021-04-15 13:40:19View submission
Merle Howarth2021-04-15 12:50:18View submission
Garry Udy2021-04-15 12:22:45View submission
Mark Curry2021-04-15 12:01:52View submission
N. Carter2021-04-15 11:39:33View submission
Pat McKeown2021-04-15 11:33:35View submission
Malcolm Gray 2021-04-15 11:15:48View submission
M. Koppenol 2021-04-15 11:10:22View submission
Michael Logan2021-04-15 10:49:45View submission
Margeret Turner2021-04-15 10:45:33View submission
Wendy Freeman2021-04-15 10:31:14View submission
Pete Connolly2021-04-15 10:24:07View submission
Bob Summerell2021-04-15 10:08:44View submission
Helen Joines2021-04-15 09:49:14View submission